Wednesday 21 September 2011

Hair up, Jumper on and FOCUS!

After what only felt like a couple of weeks that was infact over 3 months break from blog writing and focused study, I finally decided it was time to read the final Module Reader and Handbook. This was a success and easier than anticipated as it instantly inspired me to carry out the exciting challenge of writing more words than ever accomplished by me before, on a topic that genuinely interests me and will benefit not only me but hopefully many others in my current workplace and forever growing and excelling Professional Practice!
The reader has reminded me the importance of the modules we have already studied and how I can apply all that I've learnt so far to make it a success. I have kept up my journal over summer to ensure I remained a reflective practitioner and to enhance my thought process and planning for this module.
The first thing on my pre-dissertation to do list was to read through my Inquiry plan with a tooth pick or a pack of highlighters and clarify,pick out exactly what the aim is, how I am going to get it all done in the time we have also what I need to take into account and adjust. This reminded me of how much work I've given myself and how litlle time I have.
Another tickbox was to review on my Inquiry Plan feedback, this helped me focus on things to improve on for example having a more clear plan on my inquiry tool of interviews and their structure. Will semi structured interviews with a question guideline to stick to be too time consuming? How important is it for me to gather qualitative data? These are only a couple of the queries I need to solve before carrying out my research.
Over the summer I have reflected on how I am going to present my findings. In my plan I mention my predetermined timeline that I will constantly scrutinise, update and develop. Although I aim to fill the gaps of the timelines that have already been produced by clarifying, defining and integrating cultural, historical and musical basis I wish to develop this further by maybe making an audio timeline, with narration and music clips as I feel the clearest way to define and depict the musical differences is to hear them.. This is just an idea that has comeup in my journal over summer that I will see how possible it will be carry out!?


  1. Hey Jo. You sound really organised. It has made me realise how much I still have to do. I have in all truthfulness done very little over the summer. I started my journal again today though which has got my brain firing. I hope you're well.

  2. Hi
    Great you kept your journal going. I went through a poem a day thing for a week or so in the summer. I also started a yoga classes thing where I would think about all the bits of writing I had to do before I went, then forget it during class but then after class I gave myself time to rethink everything and I would find just as my body was all realigned so were my thoughts.
    Having a clear aim is good but don't let having a strong focus on one thing possibly make you miss something else. You might find you find something totally unexpected and that is really good too.
    The timeline of planning what you have to do and when you have to do it is really important - see my blog.
    Lastly, remember the 'queries' you are sorting out IS the research. They part of understanding what its all about. Dewey says that we would not be looking for answers to our questions we are looking to better understand the question - that is research.
